Our Philosophy
At Flying Kiwi Preschool we believe our tamariki should feel a strong sense of belonging in an environment where they are valued, nurtured, challenged, encouraged and empowered to lead their own learning.
Our passionate team of kaiako are warm, welcoming and loving. We build positive, respectful relationships with our tamariki and engage in meaningful conversations as we support, facilitate and extend their learning. We acknowledge and celebrate children’s effort and contribution and work together collaboratively to foster a love of learning.
We cherish diversity and difference and respect children as unique individuals who bring a vast range of culture, understandings and knowledge to create new learning experiences. We believe in fostering authentic and meaningful partnerships with whānau and acknowledge and value whānau aspirations as we create a ‘community of learners’ together.
In our childcare centre we promote quality education in an environment where tamariki believe in their own abilities, feel encouraged to make their own choices and decisions and take responsibility for their own learning. We support children as they build confidence, with a strong sense of self identity and self worth. We offer fun learning opportunities specifically designed to meet the developmental needs and unique potential of each individual child, with small groups enabling quality one on one time with each teacher.
Flying Kiwi kaiako believe our role is to nurture children’s emotional, intellectual, physical and social development and extend learning through a multitude of exciting and engaging learning opportunities and experiences. We provide a challenging, interactive, environment with rich learning opportunities and resources which allow children to explore, experiment and investigate in all areas of the curriculum.
At Flying Kiwi Preschool we are guided by the NZ Early Childhood Curriculum ‘Te Whāriki’ and our planning involves us noticing what children are interested in; recognising the learning that is happening and responding to this learning with resources, activities and extended learning opportunities. Our daily programme caters to the holistic development of each child as we identify individual interests, learning dispositions, skills and knowledge and work to build a strong foundation for lifelong learning.
Our Programs
Learning Through Play

Kea Room
2 Years - 3 Years
20 ECE Hours Free
Toddlers have distinctive developmental needs and characteristics. Our programmes are designed to be flexible, challenging and at the same time creating opportunities for independent exploration and movement.
As they are always full of energy, our large purpose-built outdoor area caters to their physical needs.
Our committed team of teachers understand the characteristics of toddlers. They adopt a flexible and positive approach to every individual child.
Kārearea Room
3 Years - 5 Years
Here at Flying Kiwi Preschool our transition to school programme has been specially established for our four year old children to foster their dispositions, skills and knowledge so they are able to transition smoothly into primary school. We want our children to feel confident and empowered in their own abilities so that they are able to manage themselves confidently in their new school environment.
Our main focus of the programme is to build confidence, self esteem and a strong sense of self identity so that children enter primary school with a positive attitude towards learning and trying new things.
Our programme focuses on building social skills, self help skills, problem solving, communication skills and managing emotions. Te Whariki is weaved throughout our programme and we follow the interests of our children while also
ensuring children are confident to do things at school such as following routines, mat time, group time, taking responsibility for their belongings, sharing news, listening to stories, asking questions, contributing ideas, taking turns and much more.
Although early literacy and numeracy learning is immersed throughout our daily programme, we also provide specific learning resources and learning opportunities within our transition to school programme. We acknowledge that every child is unique and learn in different ways, with individual interests, abilities, needs and aspirations and cater to these through a variety of learning experiences for our older children.

Age Approriate
Our nature outdoor spaces creates an opportunity for infants, toddlers and young children to explore.
A calm environment that is respectful and attentive to children day to day routine.
Pre Enrolment Enquiry
Please complete the form below. If you are unsure of exact days and times at this stage please note that this is an indication only. On receipt of this form, your child’s name will be added to our waiting list and a staff member will contact you to discuss enrolment possibilities.